Tuesday, September 24, 2019

THC, CBD and other things about medical marijuana you should know

If you have been in hipster circles or among the "woke" individuals, there is a 100% chance that you know what a recreation session with marijuana is. But did you know that the bud from this wonder plant actually works in ways far better than just inducing giggles and firing up those late night munchies? 

Medical marijuana uses the chemicals called cannabinoids present in the cannabis sativa plant to treat specific health disorders. 

Key components
Among the several cannabinoids that the plant is rich in, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the main component that has hallucinogenic effects. In other words, this chemical is  responsible for the high when you smoke that kush. Although the scope of  research for medicinal significance of THC is still to be expanded, the  chemical remains the basis for all types of laboratory analysis of benefits of marijuana products.

On the other hand, cannabidiol, or CBD, is a phytocannabinoid found in hemp plant that may help alleviate pain. Mostly brought to use in the form of oil, this chemical imparts medical marijuana its therapeutic property.

Legal scene
It was back in 2001 when Canada legalised the use of medical marijuana. And it was only a year back in 2018 when that law was extended to the use of recreational marijuana, which led to an explosion in the cannabis product market. 

Since the law regulates the channels through which people buy medical marijuana, you have to have a prescription from a certified professional for it. Also, your condition must be in the category of disorders that can be treated with cannabinoids.

Following a prescription, one can go to the sale units called dispensaries to procure the medicine, which can be in the form of buds, oils, lotions, sprays, creams or just liquid drops. You can choose to smoke a joint rolled in a cigarette paper, or inhale vapours of the liquid through a vaporiser.

More than recreation
Besides reducing stress and anxiety, medical marijuana has calming effect in many medical conditions. Research, though limited, indicates that medicines with THC and CBD may help with following medical Disorders:
Nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy
Stress induced anxiety
Carcinogenic growths and symptoms
Inflammation and body pain
Multiple sclerosis
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Crohn's disease
Alzheimer's disease

The main reason why people prefer buy mail order marijuana is because the process is discreet and negates the need for going to a dispensary personally. There are stores across Canada that provide quick service delivery of medical marijuana as and when you need it. 

Getting started
One has to practice utmost care while using medical marijuana for treatment. Though research indicates limited chances of addiction or withdrawal symptoms, on an advisory note, one mustn't overdo it. The best practice while getting in touch with mail order dispensary Canada is choosing your pick carefully regarding the form in which you want to administer marijuana to yourself. You can choose edibles if you do not want to have severely bloodshot eyes and coughing from smoking it, though the effect takes time to manifest. Or you can go old-school and crush some hemp into a joint and give it a go. Stay safe and ease your pain away with medical marijuana. 

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